The key to helping a woman who is contemplating abortion to instead choose life is to help her cultivate 20/20 vision.

Not 20/20 physical vision, but, rather, 20/20 faith vision.”

It is helping her to see clearly through the lenses of faith and hope in Christ.

It is only when she chooses to trust the truth of what Christ offers that she can be enabled to see beyond the limitations of her circumstances and choose life for her preborn baby.

Sharon had recently lost her job.

Due to extenuating circumstances, her two children live in a different state.

Sharon was already feeling at the end of her rope, and finding out she was pregnant by the man with whom she had recently ended a relationship had pushed her over the edge.

Sharon turned to Google and searched for “abortion options.”

Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad immediately appeared at the top of her search results.

Sharon quickly sent an email to our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Dallas, Texas, simply stating: “I am interested in getting an abortion.”

Our partner instantly responded, and Sharon made an appointment to come in for counseling and an ultrasound.

Sharon was presented with all of her pregnancy options during her intake session at the pregnancy center.

She admitted to feeling “completely overwhelmed.”

Her client advocate affirmed Sharon and spoke words of life and courage.

The defeatist attitude Sharon had been carrying within her for so long started to lose its power over her.

She finally felt a light breaking through in the midst of her crisis!

The first ultrasound Sharon received was not conclusive because she was still very early in her pregnancy.

She agreed to return for a second ultrasound a week later.

This time, Sharon saw the tiny developing form of her little baby!

Seeing her baby also opened her eyes to the spiritual resources God was holding out to her in His promise of mercy and help for her and her baby.

Sharon proclaimed to her client advocate and the sonographer that she was going to choose life for her baby!

Thank you for helping sharpen Sharon’s “faith vision” – which empowered her to choose life.

Your support of OAASYS made a critical difference for both Sharon and her baby!

You are heroic!

1 Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror;
then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I am known.”