Sarah was overwhelmed when she discovered she was pregnant. Her world seemed to be crumbling around her—her mother had just passed away at a young age, and she feared following in the footsteps of her sister, who had three children taken away by the state before turning 21.

Sarah was only 20 and felt the weight of her circumstances pressing down on her. Financial instability with her boyfriend, Jason, only added to her anxiety. In her distress, she thought abortion was her only option, so she turned to the internet to find answers.

Sarah came across a Heroic Media ad and decided to call for help. She was connected to our pregnancy help center partner in Phoenix, and instantly scheduled an appointment to get more information about abortion and to complete preliminary checks.

During Sarah’s call to the pregnancy help center partner, she was encouraged to invite Jason to join her for a session. Sarah appreciated the idea, and Jason came along, meeting with a male peer counselor. From the outset, Jason expressed his happiness about the pregnancy and his desire to keep the baby. However, he also wanted to support Sarah’s decision, whatever it might be.

The peer counselor asked Jason if he believed Sarah was carrying a baby. Jason, a Christian who believes life begins at conception, affirmed that he did. The counselor gently reminded him that this made him a father already. Overwhelmed at first, Jason soon smiled as he internalized this truth.

During their conversation, it became clear that an abortion would deeply affect Jason. He expressed his emotional struggle and his desire to fight for their baby. The peer counselor encouraged him to share his feelings with Sarah and to show his love and support for her and their child.

After the session, Jason and Sarah went for an ultrasound. Seeing their baby on the screen had a profound impact on both of them. Afterwards, they were given time to discuss their feelings. Sarah felt more confident about becoming a parent, while Jason, with a beaming smile, declared, “Well, we’re keeping the baby!”

Now, Jason and Sarah attend parenting classes weekly. They understand the challenges ahead but are committed to facing them together as a family. Their journey highlights the crucial role fathers can play in supporting their partners and preborn children.

Thanks to you, this life-saving story was made possible!