One of the most significant ways in which we reflect God is in the power of our spoken words.

God, who spoke the world into existence, has imbued our words with the power to help create hope for the hopeless.

This is especially important for a woman contemplating abortion: Words of encouragement and affirmation have the power to help her choose life.

Jillian was searching the internet for abortion services, triggering Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad to appear at the top of her search results.

She called the number on her screen, connecting her to Heroic Media’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Phoenix, Arizona.

“I need an abortion. Neither my boyfriend nor I want this baby,” Jillian stated as soon as her call was answered.

Her stark statement did not deter the hotline counselor who, with great composure and compassion, began to ask her questions about her pregnancy so as to open the door for her to consider the services the pregnancy help center offered.

The kind words and warmth conveyed by the hotline counselor made a significant impact on Jillian.

It was the first time, since finding out about her pregnancy, that anyone had asked her how she was feeling and offered her help instead of judgment.

Moved, Jillian began to open up over the phone, revealing that she had had five abortions.

The hotline counselor responded with great compassion and communicated to Jillian that the abortions did not need todefine her, and that God is a God of forgiveness and redemption.

She could make a different decision for this pregnancy, with the assurance that the pregnancy center would assist her with the help, support, and resources she needed.

There was a long pause on the phone as Jillian considered the hotline counselor’s loving words.

When she spoke again, she was sobbing.

Through her tears, Jillian told the counselor that she believed in God and that the counselor’s words had reignited her faith!

She proceeded to make an appointment for an ultrasound at the pregnancy center.

However, on the day of her appointment, she was a no-show.

Concerned, the hotline staff sent her a text to follow up.

Days later, Jillian finally texted back.

She shared the news that she had decided to continue with her pregnancy, and ended the text with, “Blessings to u all there reaching out.”

What joyous news!

Typically, the decision for life is made after further in-person intervention at the pregnancy help center.

In this case, the powerful, life-giving words of hope spoken over the phone were so impactful that they changed the course of both Jillian’s life and that of her baby!

THANK YOU for helping a better word to be spoken to abortion-minded mothers on the hotline calls you connect to our pregnancy help center partners every day!

Proverbs 15:4: “Gentle words are a tree of life;
a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”