Every child who has attended Sunday School would be familiar with the song, “My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty, there is nothing my God cannot do!”

Indeed, there is nothing that is beyond the might of our great God Who specializes in circumventing the impossible!

Vanessa was panicking, feeling that she was facing an impossible situation.

Her boyfriend had just walked out on her, her two children, and their preborn baby.

Abandoned, destitute, and unemployed, Vanessa was forced to find temporary housing for herself and her children.

She could not fathom how she could continue with her pregnancy in light of her circumstances.

Desperate and believing that abortion would be her only option, she searched the internet for the closest abortion provider.

With Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad campaign strategically designed to respond to searches from abortion seekers like Vanessa, our ad populated at the top of her search results.

When Vanessa clicked on our ad and called the phone number listed, she was immediately connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Tampa, Florida, and made an appointment.

Vanessa’s client advocate at the center listened compassionately as she poured her heart out.

With Vanessa’s permission, she played a video which showed Vanessa exactly what an abortion would do.

Vanessa was stunned.

In the words of her client advocate, “Vanessa was shocked by the medically accurate information.

“She broke down into tears after seeing what would happen to her preborn child.”

In that moment, no matter how desperate her circumstances seemed, Vanessa knew she could not subject her baby to the horrors of an abortion.

Yet… she wondered… what was she to do…? How could she possibly continue with her pregnancy…?

It was as Vanessa “faced the impossibilities” of her situation that the God, with Whom ALL things are possible, met her with His great love and mercy.

He used our Pregnancy Help Center partner to show Vanessa that there were options and resources available to her.

Her client advocate also opened Vanessa’s eyes to the beauty of what an adoption plan could look like for her and her child.

She assured Vanessa that if she chose to parent, there would be material and financial resources she could access.

Vanessa expressed tremendous gratitude to her client advocate for helping her to see past her immediate circumstances, empower her to embrace the truth and beauty of her child’s unrepeatable life, and change her mind from choosing abortion, a choice which would have devastated her in the aftermath.

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS resulted in Vanessa making a decision about her pregnancy in a very different light: instead of abortion, she chose life, and is deciding between parenting or making an adoption plan.

THANK YOU for helping her, and many like her, to see that there truly is nothing our strong and mighty God cannot do!

Matthew 19:26: “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is
impossible, but with God all things are possible