Evidence reveals that women who have had abortions are more likely to obtain repeat abortions, BUT God’s redemptive grace means there is always a chance for a “do-over” that can break the cycle.

When Brittany called the number she’d found on her Google search for abortion providers, she was feeling completely torn up because of her circumstances, and terribly unsure of what she should do.

She was already struggling to provide for her children, and the thought of having another child was pushing her over the edge.

However, abortion was not a straightforward solution for Brittany… was it?

At least… not this time…?

Brittany had just had an abortion a few months ago…and it had left deep emotional scars.

Not a day had gone by that she had not thought about the child she’d aborted.

Yet, continuing with her pregnancy seemed completely untenable.

With crippling anxiety, Brittany waited for her call to be connected.

She even thought of hanging up…

To her surprise, instead of being connected with the local abortion provider, she was connected with Heroic Media’s Pregnancy Help Center Partner in Minneapolis.

The compassionate staff member who answered Brittany’s hotline call made a critical difference.

“Wow… Could this be God’s intervention… that the number I called is not actually the abortion provider…?” Brittany wondered.

She made an appointment to be seen.

Brittany’s client advocate at the Pregnancy Help Center did not focus their discussion on Brittany’s current pregnancy.

Instead, she helped Brittany understand the redemptive power of the Cross and the forgiveness offered to her by God for the abortion she’d suffered.

She also assured Brittany that God’s provisions and mercies are everlasting – for her and for her children.

These truths, coupled with the compassion extended to her, empowered Brittany to not only accept God’s forgiveness, but also to make the choice for LIFE!

Your support for Heroic Media’s OAASYS ads redirected Brittany AWAY FROM the local abortion business and made it possible for her to FIND the life-giving mercy and help she so desperately needed.

You made the critical difference for Brittany and her precious family.


Hebrews 10:23: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.