A semicolon is typically used in place of a period when an author could end a sentence but chooses not to.

Instead, it leads to the anticipation that there is a “second half” to the sentence.

Metaphorically, we can choose to punctuate life’s storms with either a period or a semicolon.

A period indicates that the situation is “at its end.”

However, when we see that God’s mercies infuse every circumstance with unshakable hope, we are choosing “the power of the semicolon.”

Hope means that even though trials might make us “hit the ‘pause’ button,” the way a semicolon indicates “a pause,” there is “a second part to the sentence.”

We can move past “an end” and proclaim that “the best is yet to come!”

Cassandra had had multiple abortions.

She’d subsequently suffered multiple miscarriages.

Her last pregnancy had ended in a stillbirth, which still deeply grieved and traumatized her.

She had been anticipating the birth of her child with great joy and even had a name picked out and baby supplies gathered when she catastrophically lost her baby.

The attending nurse told her that she would “probably never be able to give birth to a healthy baby.” (!)

Effectively, this nurse had punctuated Cassandra’s desire to have a child with a “period.”

Pronouncing “such finality” over her reproductive journey had caused Cassandra to lose all hope of being a mother.

When she discovered she was again pregnant, her immediate reaction was fear, because of what that nurse had told her.

She did not want to go through the devastation of losing another baby at birth.

In a self-protective measure, she immediately considered abortion.

Her internet search for abortion providers brought her face to face with Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad.

In His abundant mercies, God used OAASYS’s ad to change the “period” she felt she needed to punctuate her pregnancy with into a “semicolon”!

OAASYS’s ad directly connected Cassandra to our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

As soon as she met with her client advocate, she felt hope stirring within her.

She revealed that “if she knew she would have a healthy pregnancy,” she would not consider abortion.

With great compassion and empathy, her client advocate pointed out that while there were no guarantees that her baby would be born healthily, there were also no guarantees that he would not be safely birthed!

As soon as Cassandra heard this, she experienced a shift of mindset.

She exclaimed, “You are right; this could finally be my miracle!”

During the ultrasound, a stunning discovery was made.

Instead of being in the early part of her second trimester as she’d thought, she was actually in the final weeks of her pregnancy!

She saw a healthy baby boy on the screen with a strong heartbeat, and it completely changed her world.

She expressed deep gratitude to the staff for helping her see that there was “a second part” to her story.

She gladly exchanged the “period” for the “semicolon” and proclaimed, “I don’t know what I would have done!” if she’d never found the hope her client advocate pointed her towards!

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS helped Cassandra find this hope and brought about a happy ending with the birth of her precious son a few weeks later!

All praise and glory to God!

Isaiah 54:10: “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”