When we place our trust in Jesus and receive His gift of salvation, we are instantly adopted into God’s family.

As sons and daughters of the Most High King, we are given access to all of His riches and provisions for every need in our lives.

This adoption also changes our eternal destiny: where before we bore the sentence of death because of sin, we are now bestowed with eternal life secured for us by Jesus’ death on our behalf on the Cross.

When a woman considering abortion realizes her newfound status as an adopted daughter of the King, she can be empowered not only to make a life-giving choice for her baby, but by choosing adoption over abortion!

Rose is a single mother to a one-year-old, and was not planning on becoming pregnant again.

She was not in a committed relationship, and had recently stopped seeing the friend with whom she had been sexually intimate when she found out she was pregnant.

She had witnessed her cousin’s struggle with emotional trauma and deep regret after two abortions, and did not want to go through the same experience herself.

Yet, in spite of her feelings against abortion, overwhelmed by the fear of her unexpected pregnancy, Rose’s resolve weakened.

Abortion seemed to be “the easiest and most expedient solution.”

Rose searched for abortion options on her smartphone and found Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad, strategically designed to be a frontline response to any abortion keyword searches in Rose’s home city of Jacksonville, Florida.

As soon as she clicked on the ad, she called the phone number displayed and immediately scheduled an appointment on the hotline with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Jacksonville.

At the center, Rose’s client advocate listened with great compassion to her story and earned Rose’s trust.

The rapport she developed with Rose created a safe environment which allowed her to share the truth about abortion with Rose and have her be receptive to it.

Rose became visibly upset when they discussed abortion risks, which helped her realize that abortion was not something she could go through.

Yet, what was she to do…?

How could she take care of two children in her circumstances…? 

With the leading of the Holy Spirit, Rose’s client advocate brought the adoption option into the discussion.

She helped dispel many misconceptions Rose had towards adoption, and helped her to see what a loving and selfless choice it could be.

Rose’s client advocate also used the opportunity to share the gospel with Rose and impressed upon her that she herself was a beneficiary of adoption – God’s loving adoption of her into His family!

Enlightened and empowered, Rose not only made the beautiful choice of life for her baby, but also entered into a follow-up plan to help her with the adoption option!

Like Rose, you, too, have been adopted into God’s family.

Your support of Heroic Media is a significant way in which you helped your “sister,” Rose, make this life-giving choice for her baby.

THANK YOU for your commitment, sacrifices, and willingness to be used by Our Father to help your “siblings” choose LIFE!

You are heroic!

2 Corinthians 6:18: “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”