Brittany, a single mother, was already juggling the responsibilities of her existing children, dealing with a pending move, changing jobs, and navigating life on her own. When she discovered she was pregnant again, it felt like the last straw.

Desperate and feeling trapped, Brittany searched online for information about abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad, which connected her to a pregnancy help center in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Brittany made an appointment, not expecting much, but hoping for some clarity. During her visit, she met with counselors who listened to her fears and offered her support without judgment. They assured her that she wasn’t alone and provided resources and encouragement.

Despite her initial doubts and unchanged circumstances, Brittany began to feel a small glimmer of hope. The pregnancy center continued to reach out, offering emotional and practical support throughout her pregnancy. Their unwavering presence made a difference, reminding her that she had people who cared and were willing to help her through this challenging time.

Five months later, Brittany gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Holding him in her arms, she felt a profound sense of relief and joy. The fear and uncertainty that had once consumed her were replaced with love and gratitude for her new child.

In a heartfelt message to the pregnancy center, Brittany expressed her deep appreciation: “He is so precious to me. I don’t know if I could have lived with that mistake [having an abortion], but now he’s healthy, and my whole family loves him. Thank you for talking with me and letting me know that I could be a mom regardless of the situation.”

Praise God for giving Brittany the courage to choose life for her precious baby boy!

Isaiah 41:10: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.