In the biblical account of Jacob and Esau in the book of Genesis, we read how Esau traded his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew.

Too often, we, too, can become fixated on the tangible realities of life and lose sight of what is ultimately of great worth: our birthright as sons and daughters of God Almighty, Who has promised to supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory!

When we help a woman who is seeking abortion to see her inherent God-given birthright, she is empowered to make the choice for life!

Caitlyn “knew what she had to do.”

She had to “take care of the problem” as soon as possible – before anyone else found out.

She was pregnant.

Her family would SURELY be greatly distressed if they found out.

She “could not do this to them” – not after everything they had done for her!

Caitlyn found Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad at the top of her Google search for information on the abortion pill.

When she called the number displayed on the ad, she was instantly connected with Heroic Media’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Phoenix, Arizona.

The hotline counselor compassionately educated Caitlyn about the importance of finding out if her pregnancy was viable before she rushed to take the abortion pill, and assured her that the center would be able to help her with her unexpected pregnancy.

Talking to the hotline counselor was the first time since she’d found out that she was pregnant that Caitlyn felt a glimmer ofhope.

When Caitlyn arrived for her appointment three days later, she had already begun to waver in her initial abortion decision.

The caring hotline counselor’s compassion, extended to Caitlynover the phone, had reminded her of God’s promises.

With the support of her client advocate at the center, Caitlynfound the courage to break the news to her family, in spite of her initial fears.

To her surprise and joy, her family rallied around her and her pregnancy and provided her with the support she needed!!

Hearing her baby’s heartbeat and seeing the ultrasound of her baby at the center cemented the change in Caitlyn’s heart.

She could no longer conceive of going through with an abortion, and, instead, joyfully embraced the gift of her baby’s life!

Had Caitlyn not found Heroic Media’s ad and made that phone call, the outcome would have been very different for her and her baby.

Your support of OAASYS played a key role in helping to empower Caitlyn to choose life and to embrace her birthright as God’s daughter.


Philippians 4:19:And my God will supply all your needs
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”