The apostle Paul strongly exhorts us to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5) because he clearly understood the power our thoughts have over our beliefs and behavior.

Right thinking leads to right living!

We are not only to captivate our own thoughts in obedience to Christ, but we are also to help others do the same.

The New Living Translation highlights this, translating 2 Corinthians 10:5 as, “We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”

One of the most effective means of helping change a woman’s mind about abortion is to help her take captive the lies she is thinking about her pregnancy and make them subject to the life-giving truth of Christ!

Mallory felt like she had everything going for her and life was good.

Just 19 years old, she was academically successful in college and had a great relationship with her boyfriend who was attending the same college.

That was before her world came crashing down when she found out she was pregnant.

Mallory and her boyfriend fell for the “zero sum” fallacy many experiencing an unexpected pregnancy believe:

• that it is either their lives or their babies’ lives;
• both seemed to be mutually exclusive;
• having a baby would mean their own lives would be upended.

With those thoughts captivating her mind, Mallory felt she had too much at stake to be able to continue with her pregnancy.

However, God knew that the real upending of her life would not be with continuing with her pregnancy, but, rather, if she chose abortion.

He intervened through Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad which Mallory found in her internet search for abortion options.

OAASYS’s ad connected her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Alliance, Ohio, and set her on the path to receiving life-affirming help!

During her ultrasound at the center, Mallory and her boyfriend saw the undeniable life force in their baby through the image of his pulsating heart.

That powerful visual captivated both of them and was the first step in demolishing the lies they believed about the pregnancy.

Their client advocate compassionately counseled them regarding their situation and helped them process through their fears and reservations, further helping them banish the lies they had bought into and taking them captive.

During a follow-up call a few days after their ultrasound appointment, Mallory shared that they had decided to choose life for their baby!

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS played a critical role in helping this choice for life to be made.

Indeed, God is using you to help destroy the enemy’s arguments and every lofty opinion made in support of abortion and to help abortion seekers like Mallory and her boyfriend take captive these lies and render them obedient to Christ!

THANK YOU and God bless you!

2 Corinthians 10:5: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”