Amanda and her husband were happily married on a cold snowy evening in January 2022.

Freshly out of college, both worked entry level jobs they enjoyed, and together, they had big dreams for the future.

While the future looked very bright for these two, Amanda struggled with a variety of health problems.

She had been led to understand from adolescence that pregnancy was “out of the picture” for her.

At first, this news was devastating to Amanda, but over the years, her dreams and ambitions grew, substituting her desire for a future as a mother with a future as a successful entrepreneur and businesswoman.

The couple entered their relationship with a mutual understanding that children “could never” be in their future.

In fact, Amanda’s husband “preferred it” that way, which made Amanda “the ideal partner” for him.

When Amanda started to feel a persistent nausea and exhaustion, she first believed it was an advancement of her preexisting health complications.

But when it finally dawned on her to take a pregnancy test, she was beyond shocked when it came back positive.

Because she had been mentally prepared to live a childless life – in fact, she’d embraced the notion of a childless life – she was not excited by the news of her unexpected pregnancy.

She’d believed that she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant since she had been led to believe that she couldn’t carry a preborn child to term healthily – or parent a child healthily.

Gripped with both bewilderment and fear, she reasoned that an immediate abortion would be her best course of action, and began an online search for an abortion facility.

Thanks to your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS (On-demand Alternatives to Abortion SYStem) Emergency Response ads, she was connected with OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Tampa, Florida instead, and made an appointment to be seen.

Amanda shared about her situation with her client advocate at the center.

She hadn’t yet told her husband the news.

She worried that he would be devastated, considering he “never wanted children” and thought she couldn’t have them.

She declined any information on the abortion procedure, but accepted the offer to schedule a free ultrasound.

A week later, Amanda returned for her ultrasound appointment – with her husband!

To everyone’s surprise, the couple seemed excited about their baby!

Delving further into Amanda’s health history, the “she could never be a mother” was in fact inaccurate!

Seeing their baby on the ultrasound screen cemented in their hearts that they no longer desired to abort the baby.

They made the decision to carry the child to term and parent!

Praise God for the intervention of Heroic Media’s OAASYS ad connecting Amanda to REAL help where she could learn the truth!

She expressed how thankful she was to have found this pregnancy help center with compassionate advocates who listened to her and supporter her and – most importantly – did not persuade her to get an abortion!

Thank you for the critical role you played in helping change the trajectory of this precious young family’s life story through your prayers and support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS!

Proverbs 16:9: “A man’s heart devises his way but the Lord corrects his steps.