The writer of Ecclesiastes begins the book with: “Meaningless! Meaningless! … Everything is meaningless.”

Fleeting are our lives here on Earth.

Like the embers of a waning fire, every earthly thing has “a finite expiration date.”

The decisions we make on Earth, however, determine whether these earthly embers will fan into flames in eternity and shine brightly forevermore.

Locating our earthly circumstances within the framework of God’s eternal plans for us completely reframes the decisions we make.

Even in the “meaninglessness” of life on Earth, our decisions bear eternal consequences: instead of being sparks that exist but for a moment and are extinguished, let us choose Christ and be transformed into unending embers that shine brightly in His heavenly dwellings!

Jessica searched the internet for abortion services as soon as she found out she was pregnant.

A single mother of a 12-year-old, she did not think she would have another child.

The circumstances surrounding her first pregnancy had been traumatic: the father of her son wanted no involvement with either her or their child, and her son was born with health complications that impacted her financially and emotionally.

There was “no way” she wanted to relive any of that through another pregnancy!

Her internet search triggered Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad, connecting her to one of OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas, Texas.

She agreed to an appointment.

During her intake session, she confessed her fears to her client advocate and shared more details about her current circumstances.

The father of this baby was someone she had known since childhood.

He already had several children of his own and was clear that he did not want another child.

Jessica was sure that she did not want to go through another pregnancy alone.

Her client advocate listened with great compassion.

She boldly shared the love of Jesus with Jessica, and helped her understand the weight of what an abortion decision meant.

Jessica’s unexpected pregnancy was an opportunity for her to trust God and watch Him work His good in her circumstances.

The trial she was going through, in light of eternity, was “light and momentary.”

Jessica experienced the profound revelation that aborting her child might seemingly provide “temporary respite” from the stresses she was going through – but it would mean that the ember of her child’s life would be forever extinguished, and she would never be the same.

Choosing life for her baby and embracing the gift of Christ’s salvation for herself, however, would mean the embers of life God placed in her and her baby would never be extinguished.

This vision of eternity captivated Jessica and she made the choice for life!

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS provided the means by which Jessica made the decision about her unexpected pregnancy, not based simply on “temporal circumstances,” but with a perspective of eternal consequences.

Thank you for helping Jessica – and so many mothers like her – choose life for themselves and their preborn babies!

You are heroic!

2 Corinthians 4:17: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”