Unforgiveness toward oneself can manifest as chains that keep one shackled to making decisions which are self-punishing.

Such as repeat abortions.

For Julia, “murderer” had replaced her identity as a mother.

After all, she had killed her firstborn son, hadn’t she?

What had started out as a beautiful day with the joyous celebration of a birthday had ended in abject tragedy.

Julia was backing her car out of her driveway – and struck her son, who, unbeknownst to her, was playing behind her car.

The sight of his crumpled body beneath the car would forever haunt her.

She had an abortion soon after his death, because she did not feel she deserved to be a mother again.

But the abortion only compounded her grief: Julia now felt like she had the blood of another child on her hands.

She became pregnant a third time, but that time, chose life. Charlie was born, and he brought joy to Julia that she did not think she could ever experience again!

And then… Julia found out she was pregnant once again.

This time, she felt that her circumstances were not ideal to bring another child into the world.

Still struggling with intense guilt from her first two children’s deaths, Julia believed that God was “punishing” her by allowing the pregnancy to happen, and that her “punishment” would be complete with another abortion.

Thankfully, the God we serve is in the business of saving and restoring lives!

Through your prayers and sponsorship of OAASYS, and by His grace, Heroic Media’s ad popped up while Julia was searching online for abortion services, connecting her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Jacksonville, Florida.

After hearing Julia’s gut-wrenching story, her client advocate compassionately led her to the truth of God’s love for her and all of her children, and helped Julia see that God’s desire was to show her mercy rather than to punish her.

At the ultrasound, Charlie, who was with Julia, gleefully exclaimed, “There’s a baby in my Mommy’s tummy!!

God used little Charlie to crystallize for Julia the sanctity of the precious new life within her.

With the strong support of the pregnancy center staff, and their affirmation of the truth of God’s promises, Julia realized that she had been forgiven, and was freed to make the choice for life!

Thank you for helping to powerfully restore the life of this beautiful mother, and empowering her to choose life for her preborn baby.

You are a heroic life-saver and difference-maker!

Psalms 139:17: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God; they cannot be numbered!”