Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.

He carries to completion everything He starts in us.

He is not only present at the beginning and at the end of time, but He is also very much present in the middle of it all!

The middle is where we inhabit, walking through the trials of life toward our ultimate destiny of eternity in Heaven.

While “doing life in the middle,” Jesus gives us complete assurance that He, as the Alpha and Omega God of the universe, holds all of it together.

Therefore, we have all we need to overcome every trial that comes our way, knowing that the God of the middle holds us!

Pregnancy had presented one trial after another for Ramona.

Not because she did not want to be pregnant.

She had always wanted children and loved being a mother.

However, she had suffered catastrophic pregnancy losses which had been devastating.

Medical complications during her third pregnancy had resulted in her losing her baby midway through her second trimester.

In her fourth pregnancy, she was able to carry her baby almost to term with a lot of medical help.

But just a few weeks before her due date, she developed internal bleeding and her baby was delivered stillborn.

The two traumatic pregnancy losses did not prevent her from becoming pregnant again.

Miraculously, her fifth pregnancy had a happy ending: Ramona delivered a healthy baby after much medical intervention, and she was over the moon!

Her doctors had warned her about becoming pregnant again.

Soon, Ramona became pregnant a sixth time.

This time, she was fearful about going back to her doctors, anticipating that they would advise her to get an abortion.

Instead, she searched the internet for pregnancy options.

Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad was immediately triggered, connecting her to our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Akron, Ohio.

One of the first things Ramona said when she went to her appointment was, “If it’s at all possible, I would really like to have this baby.”

Yet, conflicted by the anxiety she felt about possibly suffering another late-term pregnancy loss and other medical complications, she was resigned to the thought that abortion might be her “only option.”

The nurse at the center compassionately empathized with Ramona’s fears and spoke courage to her.

She helped Ramona process the fact that the risk of continuing her pregnancy did not outweigh the risk of an abortion.

While she could not be certain that this pregnancy would result in a live birth, an abortion carried the absolute certainty of death for her baby!

She also gave Ramona a referral to a local high-risk-pregnancy doctor and encouraged her to get a second medical opinion.

Ramona saw, through the loving support she received at our partner center, that God was walking alongside her in her trial.

God, Who held all things together, was also holding her and her baby in His merciful providence.

Empowered with courage and this truth,Ramona made the decision to trust God and continue with her pregnancy!

Had Ramona not connected with our PHC partner through your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS, she may have succumbed to her anxiety and fears and ended her pregnancy.

THANK YOU for playing a critical role in helping her find the courage she needed to walk in faith with the God of the middle!

Revelation 1:8:“‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God,
the one who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’”