Secrets are one of Satan’s most-used tools as he attempts to keep God’s people trapped in defeat.

They are also a conduit by which his lies take root.

But once these secrets are “un-secreted,” Satan no longer “holds that power” over the person – and God’s truth and healing can begin their life-giving work!

Priscilla had known about her pregnancy for over two months.

Fear had been her constant companion.

Thus far, she had been able to hide the pregnancy from her mother.

Only her high school boyfriend was privy to her secret – and he was adamant that she get an abortion.

Reaching the breaking point, and feeling she had nowhere to turn, Priscilla finally revealed to her mother that she was pregnant.

Although shocked by the news, Priscilla’s mother implored her to not get an abortion!

Confused, Priscilla searched Google for information about abortion options.

Finding Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad at the top of her search results, Priscilla was immediately connected to our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Sarasota, Florida.

The center’s hotline staff explained the importance of obtaining an ultrasound before an abortion, and Priscilla agreed to make an appointment to be seen.

Priscilla begged her boyfriend to accompany her for the ultrasound.

But, he refused – reiterating that unless the appointment was explicitly for an abortion, he would have no part in it.

Desperate, Priscilla once again turned to her mother – who, without hesitation, was only too happy to accompany her.

As both mother and daughter spoke with the compassionate client advocate at the pregnancy help center, Priscilla’s mother started to sob.

Not accustomed to overt emotions from her mother, Priscilla was surprised.

Through tears, Priscilla’s mother revealed that she had had an abortion when she was 16 years old – and that not a day had gone by since then that she had not regretted her abortion.

She pleaded with Priscilla to not make the same mistake that she had made, and to please give her baby a chance for life.

It was a powerful moment of healing for both Priscilla and her mother: this freedom of “un-secreting” had loosened the chains of their secrets over their lives!

With her heart already beginning to soften, Priscilla’s decision to continue with her pregnancy became cemented when she saw her tiny baby on the ultrasound screen. And for her mother – seeing her precious grandchild helped her experience redemption from her abortion which had so deeply grieved her for so very long.

This baby “saved” the lives of both its mother and grandmother!

Your generous support of Heroic Media works to thwart the destruction Satan seeks to wreak in our lives, both the preborn and the birthed.

Lives are saved daily because of you!


1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”