Allison’s story mirrors that of so many others.
It’s a story of a young woman “still sitting in the tension and struggle” of an unexpected pregnancy, trying to determine if she will maintain the courage it takes for her to choose life for her little one.
When Allison found out she was pregnant, it wasn’t through the usual means of “a shocking pregnancy test.”
It was while she was in the emergency room being seen for unrelated health concerns.
Not only was the news jolting, but it was also terrifying for her.
Allison was not new to motherhood; in fact, she already had several young children who were living with foster families.
She was immediately gripped with feelings of insecurity and worry about her ability to mother another baby.
But… something was gently urging her to consider “giving it one more try.”
Allison did not feel that she had much support.
The father of the baby was urging her to pursue abortion.
In her wavering and wondering, she looked into what an abortion would cost.
This search brought her to one of Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ads, connecting her with OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Akron, Ohio instead of an abortion facility.
The skilled and compassionate client advocates at the pregnancy center were able to affirm Allison’s instinct to parent the baby, and she scheduled an appointment for an ultrasound and additional counseling.
At the appointment, Allison learned that she was very early on in her pregnancy; the ultrasound only showed a small gestational sac.
Still bothered by the reality that the father of the baby “didn’t want anything to do with the baby,” she continued to weigh her options.
Thankfully, Allison scheduled a follow-up ultrasound and returned two weeks later.
There, the nurse saw that while she was still very early, the baby had developed since the first ultrasound.
In the excitement of this moment where Allison learned that her pregnancy was progressing and the baby was developing, she shared that the father of the baby was beginning to come around.
He had recently stated that he was “excited for the pregnancy!”
Praise God for this turnaround!
Allison left her appointment that day, with her next one already scheduled as she continued with her pregnancy!
Thanks to your steadfast support of OAASYS, Allison found the support she needed to choose life for her baby.
Further, we have the privilege of continued participation in her journey through specific and intentional prayer for her and her family.
Thank you for the heroic role you play in each of these real life stories!!
1 Timothy 4:10: “That is why we labor and strive, because we have
put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people,
and especially of those who believe.”