Jesus told His disciples the parable of the persistent widow to illustrate how God responds to our persistent prayers: When we do our part to pray in faith without giving up, our faithful prayers glorify God and He responds!

In similar fashion, the persistence of Heroic Media’s Pregnancy Help Center Partners in helping an abortion seeker choose life is tantamount to the petitions of the persistent widow.

Persistent help changes hearts turned stone cold by seemingly hopeless situations and warms them toward life-giving decisions!

Kara had called Heroic Media’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Waco, Texas, right when she found out she was pregnant, her internet search for abortion services triggering Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad at the top of her search results.

She quickly made an appointment to be seen.

When she arrived, she was adamant that she “needed an abortion.”

In spite of the compassionate counsel she received, Kara refused to get an ultrasound, and rejected any resources her client advocate offered.

Yet, Kara’s client advocate remained undeterred.

She continued to pray for Kara, most intently for her heart to soften toward her baby.

Two days after Kara’s visit, her client advocate called her to check in, but did not get an answer.

She waited another two days and called again.

This time, Kara answered her phone.

She coldly stated that she was still determined to have an abortion and, in fact, already had one scheduled for the next day.

Her client advocate gently asked if she would come back in for an ultrasound before getting the abortion and to reconsider her decision.

Once again, Kara made no bones about her intent: “No. I have decided, and this is it.”

Many people may have given up.

Yet, filled with God’s compassion, Kara’s client advocate persisted in praying for God’s intervention to change Kara’s heart and to save her and her baby from this abortion.

A week later, she called Kara again to check in on her.

To her great surprise, Kara informed her that she was still pregnant!

Her original appointment with Planned Parenthood of Houston got cancelled because of COVID-19 – and, she had, in fact, hastened to schedule an appointment with an abortion facility in Louisiana!

The delay in obtaining her abortion was God’s divine intervention, a direct answer to her client advocate’s prayers!

The reprieve had caused Kara to rethink her decision, and also allowed her to finally reveal her pregnancy to her mother who, to her great surprise, was supportive of her continuing her pregnancy!

Having her mother’s support and seeing the challenges she was facing in getting an abortion helped Kara see that, perhaps, she was not meant to have an abortion.

Praise God!

For the first time in their conversations, Kara’s client advocate finally heard warmth in Kara’s voice.

Kara informed her that she had literally just made the decision to continue with her pregnancy right before the client advocate called, and she felt at peace with the decision!

Every day, Heroic Media’s Pregnancy Help Center partners battle hard on the frontlines, and their persistent efforts are making the difference between life and death.

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS helps them continue in this fight to save and change lives.


Luke 18:1: “Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”