We all experience trials and tribulations in this life, but oftentimes those troubles are pathways that refine and grow us.

Lauren was experiencing several trials when she discovered she was facing an unexpected pregnancy.

She was raising one child already, and her relationship with the father of the baby was quite rocky.

To top everything else off, she’d recently lost her home in a fire, leaving her in a difficult financial state and without a place to call her own.

While the father of the baby had taken her in after she lost her home, he was not supportive of bringing another baby into their home.

Left to weigh her options on her own, Lauren searched the internet, finding Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad.

She was connected with OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – equipped to compassionately walk her through her options.

She made an appointment to be seen right away.

Leading up to Lauren’s appointment, she continued to face significant hurdles.

The father of the baby incessantly pressured her to get an abortion.

He insisted that abortion was the “only option,” stating repeatedly that it was “too soon to have another child.”

He tried to convince her that they in no way could afford another baby.

He even went as far as to call the pregnancy center to confirm that Lauren’s appointment was for an abortion.

With their disagreements mounting, he soon abandoned Lauren and her young child at a shopping center – and she then discovered that he had taken all of her belongings!

Facing an unexpected pregnancy is one of the hardest things a woman can go through, but that experience is even harder when faced alone.

Lauren was filled with anxiety as she arrived at the pregnancy center for her appointment, feeling abandoned and alone.

The pregnancy center advocates provided immediate compassionate care, were able to help Lauren understand her options, and offered hope and support that soothed Lauren’s anxieties.

Ultimately, Lauren was able to see her preborn child on an ultrasound.

At that moment, she boldly stated: “I’m definitely going to keep the baby!

Seeing her baby and hearing the truth about abortion helped her come to the realization that abortion was never truly a “real option” for her.

THANK YOU for helping connect Lauren and young mothers just like her with OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partners who lay out real options and help ease real anxieties.

Because of your support of OAASYS, Lauren has been emboldened to persevere through her trials and come out stronger on the other end!

Praise God!

John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”