It had been five months since Shannon’s last abortion.

She’d already had three abortions – and she had no intention of going through a fourth.

But here she was, once again pregnant… and feeling completely alone

The father of the baby was not supportive and had not been involved in her prior pregnancies.

She felt like she had no one to help her and no one who would understand her situation.

Shannon did not feel that she was emotionally or financially stable enough to bring a baby into the world.

After a week of thinking about her situation, she…once again… began searching online for an abortion facility.

Thanks to your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response advertising campaigns, she was connected with one of OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas, Texas instead.

She made an immediate appointment to be seen.

When she arrived at the pregnancy center, she was welcomed with warmth and understanding.

Her client advocates listened to her story and asked clarifying questions.

For the first time in a very long time, Shannon “felt seen.”

Eventually, her client advocates invited her back to the ultrasound room for a free sonogram.

However, they weren’t able to see the baby on the screen, and the sonogram was deemed inconclusive.

Shannon agreed to return a week later.

After two inconclusive sonograms, she didn’t know what to think…

She was feeling conflicted and confused.

If she was indeed pregnant, she was still determinedly abortion-minded.

The staff at the center continued to shower her with compassion and support as she worked to wrap her mind around her situation.

She thanked them and decided to leave.

Her client advocates reached out to her a few times in the following weeks, but never heard back from her.

Three months went by, and then one day, Shannon returned to the center.

She was still pregnant, and had found out that her preborn baby was a little girl!

She’d made the decision to carry instead of aborting.

Praise the Lord!

She was feeling a little scared but also excited for the future, and asked the center staff if they would still assist her with resources.

They were overjoyed by the request, and offered her all the support she needed!

She was connected with resources for medical care, counseling, housing – and healing resources for her prior abortions.

The center staff remained there for her every step of the way, and helped her welcome her precious baby girl into the world!

Shannon shared how thankful she was for the pregnancy center being there for her, helping her in her time of need to know that she was not alone, and stated that choosing life for her child was “the best decision she’d ever made!”

Praise God!

And THANK YOU for the critical role you played in helping connect Shannon to OAASYS’s partner center and helping make this change of trajectory in her life possible!

You are heroic!

Psalm 32:7-8: You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

Additional note: April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month. If you or someone you know has been impacted by abortion and looking for help with healing, our friends at are at the ready to assist in complete confidentiality.