God revealed Himself to Hagar as “El-Roi,” The God Who Sees, when Hagar had become pregnant and ran away from Abram and his wife Sarai’s household.

God poured His tender mercies upon Hagar and assured her that not only would He care for her, He would provide for her preborn son as well.

Indeed, God sees us in our trials and reaches down into our very midst to help.

He opens our eyes to see His presence.

When we do, our souls are encouraged and empowered with the strength we need to overcome!

Sophie had given birth to her second child just three months earlier when she discovered she was pregnant again.

She had undergone a C-section with her recent labor and delivery, and it had been a traumatic experience.

Even though her baby was safely birthed, her doctors told her that she likely “would not survive” another pregnancy.

Both Sophie and her husband decided that they would not risk having any more children.

Upon finding out that she was unexpectedly pregnant again so quickly, they were instantly filled with fear.

Under the duress of such a “dreadful conundrum,” they believed they would have to terminate this pregnancy if they did not want to put Sophie’s life in jeopardy.

Sophie searched the internet for abortion options.

Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad immediately popped up at the top of her search results.

Instead of reaching an abortion provider, she found herself talking to the hotline counselor at OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Phoenix, Arizona.

The compassionate voice on the other end of the phone undammed the floodgate of emotions she had been holding in, enabling Sophie to share her fears regarding her pregnancy.

She also revealed that she had taken emergency contraception pills a few weeks prior and was concerned of the effect they might have on her baby.

Clearly, the pills had not prevented her from becoming pregnant!

The hotline counselor was successful in convincing her to make an appointment for an ultrasound.

Our God Who Sees had seen Sophie in the midst of her distress and already had a plan in place to deliver and rescue her.

He not only opened her eyes to perceive His loving sovereignty at work in her life – He also showed her the tangible life of her baby through the ultrasound!

Sophie told the medical staff at the center that the main reason she wanted an abortion was because she was terrified of having to have another C-section.

And was it even true that she “would not survive” another pregnancy?

She realized that her fear would not justify her taking the life of her preborn child, nor would she be able to live with the decision if she went forward with the abortion.

The pregnancy center referred her to another OB/GYN for a second opinion and prenatal care.

Having been seen by God, she was freed to see Him at work in her circumstances and chose to put her trust in Him.

Enlightened, encouraged, and empowered through and by the tremendous support she was receiving, Sophie made the choice for life!

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS helped Sophie find the life-saving help she needed and opened her eyes to the loving intervention of Our Seeing God!


Genesis 16:13: “She answered God by name, praying to the God
who spoke to her, ‘You’re the God who sees me! Yes! He saw me,
and then I saw him!’”