Devon’s heart raced as she sat in the waiting room of the local pregnancy center, her palms moist with anxiety.

At 16 years old, her life had taken an unexpected turn.

About 10 weeks pregnant, she found herself at a crossroads – with her grandmother actively seeking an abortion for her.

Neither Devon nor her boyfriend wanted an abortion – but her grandmother insisted.

To quash the arguments, Devon’s grandmother searched online for an abortion facility that could “get the job done quickly”.

Thanks to your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS (On-demand Alternatives to Abortion SYStem) Emergency Response ads, the family was connected with OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Jacksonville, Florida instead.

Devon’s grandmother presented abortion as “the only viable option”.

But Devon, even as a teenager, possessed a remarkable strength that was soon to be revealed at her first appointment at the center.

Shortly after arriving for the appointment, Devon was greeted by a warm and knowledgeable client advocate.

In tears, Devon confessed that her mother, now in rehab, would also be compelling her to have an abortion if she found out about the pregnancy.

In her heart, Devon didn’t want an abortion…

But how could she go against her grandmother’s insistence?

 And what about her mother…?

The knowledge Devon subsequently gained about the realities and risks of abortion during her visit and ultrasound left her bewildered and undecided.

Hope glimmered when Devon returned to the center the following week, hand in hand with her boyfriend.

Their hearts were filled with determination and newfound courage.

Devon revealed that they had talked extensively about the information she had gleaned from her previous visit, and together, the young couple had made a resolute decision: they were going to continue the pregnancy and parent the baby.

Praise God!

The couple felt a deep sense of joy and believed that, despite their youth, they possessed the strength and resilience to provide a loving home for their child.

Though not entirely financially stable, they were optimistic about their future as parents.

Devon’s mother soon came out of rehab and became aware of the pregnancy – and tried to convince Devon to change her mind.

But the pregnancy center continued to support Devon unwaveringly, staying in constant contact with her throughout and beyond her pregnancy.

In the face of uncertainty and challenging circumstances, Devon’s unwavering determination – and the unwavering support of the pregnancy center – would pave the way for a future filled with love and promise for both Devon and her preborn child.

Thanks be to God!

And thank you for the critical role you played, helping facilitate OAASYS as the first line of defense against abortion for Devon and her baby!

You are heroic!

Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you may go.”