Jesus demonstrated a very tender place in His heart for children during His ministry on earth.

He made it clear that no one and nothing should prevent children from coming to Him, and He made Himself accessible and approachable.

How beautifully the Gospel writers recounted how He tenderly blessed the children who came to Him with the laying of His hands!

Jesus is still doing the same for children today from His throne above!

At just 14 years of age, Lissy was in many ways still a child herself.

And this sweet child discovered she was pregnant.

Feeling desperate and scared, she initially kept her pregnancy a secret from everyone.

The only thing she “knew to do” was search the internet to find an abortion provider.

However, Jesus, the Savior of children, had these two children – Lissy and her baby – in the palm of His hands.

He used Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad you help sponsor to instantly connect Lissy to life-affirming help at one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas, Texas!

At her appointment, Lissy exclaimed to the client advocate who met with her:

“I’m 14! There is no way I can have a kid right now!”

Her client advocate compassionately empathized with her situation, and for the first time, Lissy felt someone was genuinely concerned about her and was listening to her fears.

The rapport with her client advocate made her willing to process more deeply the fears and emotions she had bottled up within her since learning she was pregnant.

Her client advocate also helped her understand the emotional impact of an abortion and its life-changing implications.

When Lissy left the center that day, she remained undecided about her pregnancy options.

However, she also saw that choosing life for her baby was not as impossible of a scenario as she had thought.

When her client advocate followed up with her a few days later, Lissy shared that she had decided to continue with her pregnancy!

She revealed that her time at the pregnancy center was instrumental in helping her process through her situation, and she realized that having an abortion would have a detrimental impact on her mental health.

Seeing the ultrasound of her baby also powerfully shaped her decision.

She had courageously shared the news with her family, and although her father had stopped talking to her, her mother and sister were supportive – thanks be to God!

Our PHC partner has continued to follow up with Lissy, connecting her with prenatal care and other material resources to help her prepare for motherhood.

Jesus uses you as a means by which He extends His tender care towards His children – for it was your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS that allowed this child to connect with the life of her child – and find “His way!”

THANK YOU for standing in the gap for all of God’s children!

Luke 18:16: “But Jesus called them unto him, and said, ‘Suffer little children to come onto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.’”