When confronted with an unexpected pregnancy, it is frequently the case that the father of the baby responds by running away from his preborn child, either by abandoning his girlfriend and leaving her alone to deal with the situation, or by pressuring her to have an abortion.
Our Heavenly Father, however, is the One Who always runs towards His children, no matter how much they may feel that they may have disappointed Him.
Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son to illustrate how Our Father makes haste to run towards us in the midst of our messes, enveloping us in love and rescuing us as soon as we turn back to Him!
Louisa had a history of struggling with her mental health.
Being isolated during the coronavirus pandemic had exacerbated her underlying anxiety and depression.
Looking for solace, Louisa began a sexual relationship with her best friend, a male – and his brother.
When she found out she was pregnant, panic overwhelmed her.
Under ordinary circumstances, she believed she would not have been ready for a baby. But especially not during a pandemic – coupled with not knowing who had fathered her baby!
She even contemplated suicide.
In the haze of her emotional upheaval, Louisa searched the internet for abortion options and found Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad.
Clicking on it, she was immediately connected to our Pregnancy Help Center partner in San Antonio, Texas.
The compassion of the hotline counselor motivated Louisa to make an appointment right away.
It was apparent to Louisa’s client advocate that she felt deeply conflicted about her pregnancy options.
Louisa revealed that one of her friends had encouraged her to continue with her pregnancy, and had even sent her videos about the emotional impact of an abortion.
Louisa’s mother was also in favor of her choosing life.
However, she was facing strong pressure from the potential father of her baby to have an abortion.
He made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her baby, running as fast away as he could from the situation.
Yet, Louisa’s and her baby’s Heavenly Father was steadfastly pursuing her.
The connection He made through Heroic Media with our Pregnancy Help Center partner was one of the ways in which He was running towards her to show her He would be her Help and Hope!
Louisa’s client advocate helped her understand the truth of her Father’s Heart – and in doing so, Louisa found the resilience she needed to make the decision she knew, in her heart of hearts, to be the right one.
That is, to choose life for her baby!
Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS not only saved Louisa’s baby, but Louisa as well.
Had she chosen abortion, the state of her mental health would likely have deteriorated.
But in choosing life, Louisa ran from death into life, and into the arms of her Father Who was already running towards her!
Luke 15:20: “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”