Our God is the God of all consolation.

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, the Apostle Paul uses “consolation” ten times in just these four verses, emphasizing that God, Who has known human suffering in the Incarnate Christ, is able to provide comfort to all who are afflicted and empower them to console others.

Wondrously, His consolation is available not just to those who profess faith in Him.

His unfathomable love for those who have yet to confess Him as Lord means He also provides them with help in their time of need so as to rescue and save!

Amina, a Muslim mother of four children ages 20 to 4, found out she was pregnant again.

She had “put her life on hold” to raise her children, and now that her older children were self-sufficient, felt she was in a “new season” where she would be able to focus more on her needs.

She had plans to attend college in the fall and was looking forward to achieving goals she had long treasured in her heart.

However, being pregnant meant to her that she would, once again, “have her life take a back seat.”

And she was weary.

Abortion became a very tempting “option.”

As soon as Amina searched the internet for pregnancy options, Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad populated at the top of her search results.

She was connected right away to one of OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas, Texas, and sent an email:

“How can I be able to get help, please? Let me make appointment. Thank you.”

During her appointment, Amina shared with her client advocate that according to her Islamic faith, abortions were allowed up to 40 days after conception.

She felt that as long as she was less than 7 weeks into her pregnancy, an abortion would be “sanctioned.

She agreed to get an ultrasound to find out the exact gestational age of her baby.

The ultrasound revealed that she was 9 weeks along!

Amina was jarred – not so much by how far along she was, but more so by the sight of her baby’s heartbeat and his movements!

God spoke His assurances of hope and peace to Amina through her client advocate, and brought consolation to her soul.

She realized that her plans for herself could not come at the expense of her child’s life – and even though it would mean adjusting some of the plans she had made, it would be worth it.

Amina made the choice for life!

Our God of all consolation used you to bring consolation to Amina through your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS.

Thank you for helping Amina experience His comfort and see the wondrous work of His hands on the ultrasound – which helped empower her to choose life for her baby – fearfully and wonderfully made!

2 Corinthians 1:3: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation…