There is perhaps no better account than Jesus’ Resurrection to highlight how we serve a God Who loves to plant divine “surprises” to showcase His might and love for His children.

To the great surprise of the women who came to Jesus’ tomb that Resurrection Sunday morning, they found it empty, for our God had robbed death of its victory!

This grave-robbing God we serve still loves to surprise His children – especially in the midst of trying circumstances – to show how He can and will intervene.

There is nothing He cannot do!

When Maria found out she was pregnant, she did not think twice about her abortion decision.

She already had three children, and did not want any more.

Recently divorced, she had been dating her boyfriend for less than a year.

When she first shared the news with him about her pregnancy, he was stunned – and she had not heard from him since.

Feeling alone and abandoned, she proceeded with her plans to take matters into her own hands.

Maria searched the internet for abortion providers in her city, which instantly triggered Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad, connecting her directly to our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Phoenix, Arizona.

Maria’s first language is Spanish, and, providentially, our PHC partner had Spanishspeaking staff available to speak with her on the hotline.

The hotline staff compassionately counseled Maria and empathized with her seemingly overwhelming circumstances, assuring her that she was not alone.

Maria agreed to make an appointment for an ultrasound before going for an abortion.

Little did she know that God had a surprise in store.

The ultrasound revealed that she was expecting twins!

Greatly shocked, Maria exclaimed that she had always wanted twins!

In an instant, her determination to have an abortion was replaced by strong maternal instincts to protect her babies.

Abortion became unthinkable, and two preborn lives were saved!

However, this was not the only surprise for Maria.

She had steeled her heart to forget about her boyfriend after he had “disappeared” and she’d decided she would find a way to provide for her children on her own.

To her great surprise, he contacted her!

Not only did he ask her for forgiveness, he said he wanted to be a part of her and their babies’ lives.

Maria realized that God’s Resurrection power was at work in her life and that He would continue to surprise her with His goodness!

THANK YOU for your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS – allowing God to use you as the first line of defense to rob death from taking the lives of these precious twins made in His image and likeness.

Once again, He’s proven His victory over the grave!


1 Corinthians 15:55: “Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting