Knowing the right thing to do can prove to be difficult.

When tumultuous times hit, floods of emotion can often make it hard to discern the right course of action.

If we are in Christ, however, we have the blessed hope that the Holy Spirit will help us discover the right course of action when faced with hard choices.

Katherine was experiencing significant anxiety and stress trying to discern “the next right step” once she discovered she was unexpectedly pregnant.

She was preparing to graduate from college, and a pregnancy was the last thing she anticipated for her immediate future.

All of her future plans seemed to “freeze in time” the moment she looked down and saw the two pink lines on her at-home pregnancy test.

Upon searching the internet for information on what to do, she came across Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad.

Dialing the hotline number, she was immediately connected to OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Phoenix, Arizona!

Speaking with the hotline staff, Katherine was stressed.

Graduating from college can be stressful enough, with all the uncertainty and changes – and adding an unexpected pregnancy on top of that seemed to her to only “make matters worse.”

She was concerned about her mental health and anxiety levels, and had decided that abortion was “the only feasible option” for her.

She also relayed that, while she felt she was in a healthy relationship with the father of the baby, he,too, believed that “abortion was ‘the best option.’”

Thankfully, after spending significant time on the phone with the hotline staff, Katherine agreed to go in for an ultrasound to confirm how far along she had progressed in her pregnancy.

To her, this seemed like “the next right thing”… the next “logical step”… considering she wasn’t entirely sure about how far along she was.

For a variety of reasons, Katherine was under the impression that she was only four to six weeks pregnant.

Everything changed when she received her ultrasound.

To her shock, she discovered she was 23 weeks pregnant!

Thanks to this news, as well as the phenomenal counseling offered at the center, Katherine was convinced that parenting her babyrather than aborting – was the right thing for her to do.

She scheduled a follow-up ultrasound appointment so her boyfriend would have the chance to come in and see their baby dancing on the screen!

This is what our shared mission is all about: helping these beautiful women take one next step at a time – and providing them with the opportunity to change their minds about getting an abortion and choose life for their babies.

Thanks to your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS, young mothers like Katherine are being educated and empowered to choose life for their babies week in and week out.

Thank you for your partnership in this mission!

You are heroic!

Psalm 34:14: “Turn away from evil and do what is right! Strive for peace
and promote it.”