The rainbow is evermore a symbol of God’s covenantal promise He made between Himself and His children to never again destroy the earth with a flood.

Embedded in that covenant is His promise to never leave nor forsake us.

Rainbows appear only after a rainstorm.

When we fear that the storms will prevail, God shows us this seal of His promise to assure us that they shall not prevail.

The thicker the clouds, the more rainbows are brilliantly displayed and perceived!

Heather has two young sons ages 3 and 1 years, one of whom has Down syndrome.

She was having a challenging time raising her sons and perpetually felt caught in “one storm of life” after another.

Her boyfriend, the father of her 1-year-old, had recently lost his job, and they moved in with Heather’s parents.

These stresses had resulted in more conflicts in their relationship, bringing them to the brink of breaking up.

It was in these circumstances that Heather discovered that she was pregnant.

Even though her Catholic upbringing had taught her that abortion was wrong, she felt she “did not have another option” with this pregnancy.

Her boyfriend was in agreement that she should abort their baby.

Heart wrenched and feeling completely overwhelmed, Heather searched the internet for abortion options.

Instantly, Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad responded to her search!

Even though it was not immediately apparent, OAASYS’s ad was the first glimmer of the rainbow of God’s promise of care for Heather and her baby!

OAASYS’s ad connected Heather with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, paving the way for her to receive life-affirming help.

At her appointment, Heather’s intake counselor walked her through what an abortion entailed and she watched a video detailing the mechanisms of a medical abortion.

Heather was stunned and sickened by the information.

Yet, hard facts unaccompanied by the hope God provides seldom help a woman change her mind about an abortion.

Heather’s counselor took this opportunity to share the Gospel, helping Heather understand how much God loved her and how His protective care was over every situation in her life including this unexpected pregnancy.

Heather’s eyes were finally opened to see the metaphorical rainbow God had placed over her in the midst of the storm clouds!
Heather returned for a follow-up appointment with ultrasound.

During this appointment she made the firm decision for life, joyfully declaring, “I’m going to go through with it and keep my baby!”

Indeed, God’s covenantal promise holds steadfast for every one of us.

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS helps so many pregnant mothers, just like Heather, see His rainbow brilliantly placed over them, helping them to choose life for their babies.


Genesis 9:16: “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”