Metaphorical “Goliaths” in our lives come in many guises.

Their common denominator: fear and terror.

When the Israelite army was faced with Goliath in battle, they were terrified at this giant who taunted them with his lies.

Yet, all it took fearless David to slay this giant was a bold, confident faith in his God.

A little stone in the right slingshot – the slingshot of faith – was all it took to fell Goliath flat on his face, dead.

God has empowered us like He did David to slay goliaths by using the same slingshot of faith!

When we do, we will see the thing that terrified us falling flat, losing its power over us!

Maya had recently immigrated to the United States in order to get married.

When she discovered she was pregnant, neither she nor her husband perceived it to be a good time to start a family.

They were still getting settled in their marriage and needed to establish financial stability, especially since they were solely dependent on her husband’s meager income.

Faced with the “Goliath” of financial insecurity and fear of the unknown, Maya searched the internet for abortion providers and for help financing an abortion.

Her search triggered Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad, which instantly connected her with OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

She made an appointment to be seen.

During her intake session, Maya became very emotional when she learned more about the abortion procedure and the physical and emotional risks involved.

Even so, she was still focused on the goliaths of her circumstances and felt abortion was still “her only option.”

But praise be to God, He used her client advocate to show her the slingshot and stone she needed to take down Goliath!

Maya’s resolve to have an abortion started to crumble when she saw the ultrasound of her baby.

She revealed during the ultrasound that she was actually trained as an OB/GYN in her home country.

She never would have thought she would find herself in the position of considering abortion.

She further shared that she had fertility issues which she understood could complicate her ability to get pregnant.

Seeing her baby made her realize that should she obtain an abortion, she might not be able to conceive again.

While still not committed to continuing with her pregnancy when she left the center that day, she was no longer determined to have an abortion.

When Maya returned for her follow-up ultrasound, she revealed that she had actually scheduled and shown up for an abortion appointment.

Ironically, finding herself in the setting where her baby might get killed was what finally made her embrace the sanctity of her baby’s life.

Faith welled up in her, empowering her to slay the giant of fear with the slingshot God had given her!

She recounted from her time at the abortion facility: “My heart didn’t allow me to do it!”

Maya made the choice for life!

The goliaths she was facing fell flat!

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS helped connect Maya to the life-saving help she needed to be a giant slayer of fear and save the life of her preborn child!

THANK YOU for standing in the gap for Maya and her baby!

1 Samuel 17:50: “So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.”