Our God is the Waymaker – making a way in our circumstances when there seems to be “no way.”

He Who parted the Red Sea is still splitting the seas of distress for His children so they can confidently navigate between the crushing walls!

Ava felt engulfed by the storms of life.

She had married young, and at just 24 years old, she already had two children, both under the age of three.

Ava constantly felt overwhelmed and struggled with anxiety.

When she discovered she was pregnant, her immediate thought was, “There is just no way I can do this.”

She did not see how she could possibly take care of her two children if she had another baby.

The “only way” out, as far as she was concerned, was to “undo” this pregnancy by having an abortion.

Ava’s husband felt helpless.

Even though he did not want Ava to have an abortion, he thought it was her decision to make.

Ava searched the internet for abortion options, triggering Heroic Media’s OAASYS Emergency Response ad to appear at the top of her search results.

With her husband at her side, Ava called the phone number and was connected to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas, Texas.

And with their baby’s life hanging in the balance across the phone line, the hotline counselor encouraged Ava and her husband to make an appointment for pre-abortion counseling, as Ava would need to make sure she had thought through all of her options before proceeding with an irreversible abortion.

At the appointment, Ava’s client advocate helped her understand both the physical and psychological risks of an abortion, and explained the many resources available to her.

Having someone who not only gave her the facts she needed to make her decision, but who, more importantly, communicated great compassion and empathy for her struggles, made a huge difference for Ava.

Where before, she had seen no way out, she now saw new pathways to which she had previously been blinded by her panic.

These pathways included her supportive husband and the material and medical resources available to her from our pregnancy help center partner.

The blinders came off as Ava was now able to see how God was making a life-giving way out of her circumstances!

Deeply encouraged, and empowered with new hope and strength, Ava walked out of the pregnancy center having made the choice for life!

Your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS is used by God to make a pathway out of abortion as you help show Ava, and others in her situation, that abortion is not “the way.”


2 Thessalonians 3:3: “But the Lord is faithful.
He will establish and guard you against the evil one