Abigail is married with two young children, and did not plan on having another child.

She took a home pregnancy test and saw that she was pregnant.

Abigail’s husband was happy of the news, although he would support any decision his wife made.

She did not want to have another baby, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Abigail clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in a few days later for an appointment.

Abigail met with a counselor at the pregnancy center to discuss her options.

She shared that she recently had surgery, and was scared that a pregnancy would complicate things for her.

Abigail had an ultrasound at this appointment to check if the pregnancy was progressing as it should.

The ultrasound showed a healthy baby on the screen.

After a follow up call, Abigail expressed that she wanted to continue her pregnancy!

Praise God for saving this baby from abortion.