Abigail is the young mother of four children.

She faced an unexpected pregnancy, and could not see herself taking on the responsibility of raising a fifth child.

Abigail has a history with abortion—she had two abortions in her past.

She knew there are certain steps that need to be taken before getting an abortion, so she looked online for information.

Abigail clicked on a Heroic Media that connected her a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a counselor on the phone.

The counselor offered a pregnancy test, ultrasound, and options counseling.

Abigail decided to come in the next day for an appointment.

The nurse confirmed that Abigail was 6 weeks pregnant.

Abigail met with a counselor, and shared about her situation.

She said she was thinking about abortion because she was in a volatile relationship with the father of her baby.

Abigail was scared to bring a child into the situation.

However, she was encouraged by the support she received from the staff at this life-affirming clinic.

Abigail left the center not knowing for sure what she was going to do.

A staff member followed up with her a couple weeks later, and Abigail shared that she has decided to continue her pregnancy!