Addison searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion after finding out that she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that instantly connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number and shared that she had not been divorced very long when she found out she was pregnant with her current boyfriend.

Addison had experienced the hurt of abortion before. She said that she had never felt so alone because everyone pressured her to get an abortion.

She listened and felt shameful and depressed after experiencing this loss. When Addison called into the Pregnancy Help Center, she shared this news that happened in the past and thought she was pregnant again.

The counselor encouraged Addison to come in for an appointment the next morning.

The nurses confirmed Addison’s pregnancy at her appointment. She saw her child on the ultrasound screen and began to feel hopeful again.

Addison was amazed that center offered services at no charge and was grateful that she chose to come into this clinic instead of an abortion facility like the last time. Praise God for this precious life saved!