Alexa is in her twenties, and faced a pregnancy by surprise. She was terrified after seeing a positive pregnancy test.

Alexa faced many circumstances that caused her to doubt having another child.

She is the single mother of other children, and did not feel she could take on the responsibility of raising another baby.

Alexa wanted to find answers about getting an abortion, so she turned to the internet.

She clicked on a Heroic Media Google ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Alexa spoke on the phone with a receptionist, and decided to come in for a consultation.

Alexa met with a counselor to talk about her situation.

She felt encouraged after talking to someone about her fears and questions.

The nurse confirmed that Alexa was pregnant.

Alexa left the center that day unsure about what she wanted to do.

In a follow-up call, she stated that she decided to continue her pregnancy!

Alexa was interested in taking classes at the clinic in preparation of her baby’s arrival.

We are so thankful God used this partnership to reach Alexa and her pre-born baby!