Alexa, a single mother to a 7-year-old girl, felt like nothing in her life was stable.
She was having difficulty providing for herself and her child financially and the two of them were living with her parents.
Alexa’s relationship with her boyfriend was rocky and she seemed to keep encountering obstacles to completing her college degree.
Looking at the state of her life, Alexa could not see a place for a new baby in it.
Abortion seemed like her only option.
Alexa conducted a Google search for abortion information and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that appeared at the top of the search.
The ad connected her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago, where she made an appointment.
Alexa walked in for her appointment determined to get an abortion.
When she sat down with the center’s client advocate, Alexa began to let down her walls and sharemore of her story.
She revealedthat she had an abortion in her past.
She was a Christian and she believed abortion was murder, but she did not have any hope that she could move past this even as she contemplated a second abortion.
The client advocate assured Alexa that God loved her unconditionally, that she could be forgiven and set free from her past, and she did not have to be chained by previous decisions.
After their conversation, Alexa was excited for her ultrasound.
She could not stop smiling as she watched her 8-week-old baby dancing on the screen.
After seeing her baby, Alexa told the client advocate that she was going to choose life for her child!
God is good indeed!