Amanda was trying so hard to be strong.

Finding out that the father of her two children had terminal cancer had been the worst news of her life.

Her parents had recently passed away and all she saw in the future was loneliness.

She could not imagine how she was going to take care of their two little children.

Then, she found out she was pregnant.

She could no longer pretend to be strong. Amanda felt utterly broken.

She could barely face the idea of raising two children without him.

How could she ever raise three alone?

Amanda searched for abortion information on her phone and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

She connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago and made an appointment.

Amanda came in for her appointment feeling crushed.

She shared her situation with the client advocate and they cried together.

The client advocate told Amanda that she was strong and capable and that this child was a gift.

She assured Amanda that the center would do everything it could to support her, and enumerated the many community resources available to Amanda and her family, and encouraged her to see her baby as a light in the darkness, a part of a beautiful future.

Amanda said she knew she would regret having an abortion.

Her client advocate told her that she did not have to make a decision out of fear, but rather out of the love she had for her children’s father and for all of her children.

Taking a step forward in courage, Amanda chose life for her baby!

God be praised!