Amber is a 24-year-old who faced an unexpected pregnancy with her boyfriend.

She was going through a tragic family loss at the time she found out she was pregnant—her uncle and his family were killed in a house fire.

Amber was overwhelmed, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in the next day for an appointment with her boyfriend.

Amber shared that she and her boyfriend are both Christians, and that he leads worship music at church.

She also shared that her father is a pastor.

Amber agrees that life is precious, and that abortion is not pleasing to God, but she did not think she would actually end up in a situation like this one.

She was too early for an ultrasound, so she scheduled to come back in 2 weeks.

Amber’s boyfriend wanted to come to this appointment with her.

He gasped and smiled when he saw their baby on the screen.

After the scan, the couple met with two staff members who challenged them to seek God’s wisdom.

Amber and her boyfriend decided they wanted to keep their precious baby!

Praise God for changing their hearts.