Amelia was considering abortion because she already had 5 children and felt like another child would be too many.

She never had an abortion before, so she turned to the internet for answers.

Amelia clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She set up an appointment to come in as soon as she could.

At her appointment, Amelia learned about the abortion procedure and how it would affect her, which made her feel uncertain about her decision.

After Amelia came back to the center for multiple counseling sessions and two ultrasounds, she gained the confidence to choose life for her baby!

She told her counselor that something really clicked for her after her second ultrasound, that she just knew she had to keep her baby!

Amelia was able to take the step of faith and knew that the center would be there for her as she adjusted to having her sixth child.

Amelia’s baby girl was born early and she and her child are doing well!

We are thankful that Amelia took the time that she needed to fully understand the truth of her pregnancy, and the precious life she was carrying!