Amy was in a very difficult situation—homeless and unemployed at the moment.

She found herself pregnant unexpectedly, and the last thing she wanted to add to the picture was a baby.

Amy felt hopeless and scared, so she got on her phone to look for information about getting an abortion.

Through a Heroic Media ad, Amy was brought to a page she could send an email to.

She wrote “I’m pregnant unemployed and homeless and do not want to bring a child here. Please help me.”

The staff at a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media responded to her needs.

She scheduled an appointment to come in a few days later.

Amy was desperate for hope in the midst of this situation.

Thankfully, she allowed one of the counselors to share the Gospel with her.

Amy felt much better after sharing what she was going through.

She felt no judgment, and was open to the idea of parenting.

After the appointment, Amy followed up a few days later and decided to parent her child!

Thanks be to God for connecting her to a center that was able to meet her needs, and for saving this baby from abortion!