Amy faced an unplanned pregnancy at age 21. She is married with two young children.

She thought she would never be one to consider abortion, but she did not expect to get pregnant five months after having a child.

Amy did not think her family would be able to afford having another baby, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Amy clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She texted the number she saw on the screen, and came in the next day.

Amy brought her husband and two children to her appointment.

She met with a counselor and talked about her fears with finances.

Her husband lost his job, so they did not feel that it would be an ideal time to have a baby.

Amy shared that she is a Christian, and was having a hard time deciding what to do.

After the ultrasound, she stated that she cannot have an abortion, and chose life for her baby!