Amy found out she was pregnant by surprise at age 20.

She had an initial appointment a few weeks after finding out, and learned that her baby was diagnosed with a heart problem.

Amy was afraid of her baby dying after birth, and did not want her child to suffer.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion after finding out this news at 22 weeks pregnant.

Amy clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She made an appointment, and agreed to come in the following day.

At the appointment, Amy learned about the procedures and risks of an abortion at 22 weeks.

She also learned about the emotional consequences of an abortion as opposed to giving her baby a chance to live, and embrace him for as long as he lives.

Amy was grateful for the support she received.

She was referred to a pro-life doctor for a second opinion and prenatal care.

Amy followed up a few weeks later, sharing that she chose to carry her precious baby!