Amy is a 16-year-old high school student who just began her junior year.

She faced an unintended pregnancy with her 18-year-old boyfriend, who is her best friend’s brother.

Amy was terrified that she might be pregnant. She told her boyfriend, and they both agreed to find out options about abortion.

Amy turned to the internet, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She was afraid to call, so she emailed back and forth with our partner.

Amy and her boyfriend agreed to set up an appointment, and came in the next day.

Amy had a pregnancy test, which revealed she was pregnant. She was in shock, and shared that she was afraid to tell her family.

She stated that her mother had her first child at age 15.

The counselor listened to Amy talk about her concerns, and provided Amy and her boyfriend with a brochure on how to
tell their family.

At the end of the appointment, Amy and her boyfriend shared they were thankful for the support offered by the

They stated that they would carry their child, even if it is a tough road ahead!

Praise Jesus for saving this life from abortion!