Annie was set on getting an abortion soon after she found out she was pregnant with her first baby.

She did not think she would end up in this situation—she was scared and felt alone in this decision, but she began to look for answers.

Annie searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad on Google.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and was connected to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

On the phone, Annie shared that she only wanted to come in for an ultrasound to find out how many weeks pregnant she was to determine the type of abortion she would get.

After meeting with two counselors and a nurse at the center, Annie still seemed set on getting an abortion.

She shared that she had many people around her who encouraged her to get an abortion.

Annie listened to the informational videos about abortion.

She left the center not knowing what she wanted to do yet.

Annie called the next day and set up an appointment for another ultrasound because she chose life for her baby!