Annie came into Aid for Women clinic in Chicago after seeking an abortion.

She told her aunt about her unexpected pregnancy, and her aunt helped her look for information.

She searched on the internet for information to get an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Annie’s aunt made an appointment for her 23-year-old niece to come in the next day.

At the appointment, the nurse confirmed that Annie was 18 weeks along in her pregnancy.

Annie shared that she normally does not agree with abortion, but she and her daughter were facing a homeless situation.

She could not imagine bringing another child into the picture.

Annie explained that she was living with her daughter’s father’s family, but they were threatening to kick her out of the home because of the tension with this new pregnancy.

Annie was scared.

She discussed housing options with the counselor, and was shown compassion and support.

She also had an ultrasound, showing her healthy baby on the screen.

Annie chose life for her precious baby!