April is a 20-year-old who learned that she was facing an unexpected pregnancy for the first time.

She was terrified when she stared down at the positive test, and was in disbelief.

April was connected to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Baton Rouge after searching on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to have a conversation with our partner about her options.

April agreed to come in person a few days later.

During her appointment, April disclosed that she was embarrassed when she found out she was pregnant.

She told the counselor that she felt ashamed, and was afraid to talk about this news with others.

She thought she could not take on the responsibility of a parent at her age.

The counselor listened to April talk through her fears, and she reminded April that she was not alone, and they were there to support her.

April had an ultrasound, showing that she was 5 weeks along in her pregnancy.

After being counseled and having an ultrasound, April decided to continue her pregnancy!