Arianne is a driven college student who faced an unplanned pregnancy.

At the end of a semester, with exams in progress, she did not know what to do.

Arianne did not feel this was a good time to have a baby, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called to make an appointment to come in.

Arianne spoke with the nurse during her appointment, asking about different types of abortion procedures.

The nurse shared that their clinic does not provide abortions, but asked Arianne what she knew about the procedures and risks of abortion.

Arianne wanted to find out how far along she was in her pregnancy before choosing, though she seemed set on the decision to abort.

She agreed to make a separate appointment to come in for an ultrasound, but shared that she needed to make a decision before returning home to her family in Connecticut for the summer.

Arianne shared that her family would be horrified if she did not take care of the situation before arriving home.

She did not return for an ultrasound initially, but agreed to meet with the nurse at a local restaurant.

Arianne then agreed to come in for an ultrasound.

When she saw her baby on the screen, she knew she could not get an abortion.

Arianne chose life for her baby!