18-year-old Ashley watched the pregnancy test go from blank to positive.

She felt like she couldn’t breathe. Earlier this week, her grandmother and parents had taken her out to dinner as a congratulations for getting into her dream nursing program.

Ashley knew how proud they were and did not want to disappoint them.

Her family did not like her boyfriend and the relationship had been admittedly unhealthy.

The pressure seemed overwhelming.

Ashley pulled out her phone and searched for abortion information.

She clicked on the ad at the top of the page, a Heroic Media ad, and was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.

Ashley came to the center, bringing with her all of her fear, but underneath that, a glimmer of hope. When she was able to speak with her client advocate, she explained all the pressure she felt to avoid disappointing her family, to get out of her unhealthy relationship, and to do well in her nursing program.

As she continued sharing, she admitted that despite all of this,deep down inside, she wanted this baby.

The client advocate took Ashley’s hand and told her that, with her instinctive mother’s love for her precious baby,she could overcome any obstacles.

She outlined for Ashley the numerous resources available to her, including housing,diapers, and assistance with parenting while in she was pursuing her nursing degree.

Ashley was so excited by all of this, but her blossoming enthusiasm bloomed fully when she saw her beautiful baby on the ultrasound screen!

Overcoming her doubts and fears, and empowered by the center staff’s loving support, Ashley made the firm decision and chose life for her little one!

Glory to God!