Audrey is the mother of a one year-old daughter.

She found herself pregnant again, but was afraid to tell her boyfriend because of how he would react.

Audrey eventually told her boyfriend, and he wanted her to get an abortion.

She started to believe this might be their best option so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Audrey clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in the next day with her boyfriend.

The counselors reminded Audrey that she has nothing to fear, and they supported her in the decision process.

She was sensitive and receptive from the moment she walked through the doors.

During Audrey’s ultrasound, she discovered she was carrying twins.

Audrey knew she could not abort either child, so she decided to parent!

Praise God for saving not one, but two babies from abortion!