Autumn faced an unintended pregnancy after having four children.

She did not expect to be pregnant with her fifth child, but she saw a positive test.

Autumn was overwhelmed—she was unsure who the father was for sure.

The possible father of the baby was in jail.

Autumn did not know where to turn, so she looked for answers on her phone for information about getting an abortion.

Autumn clicked a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the center, and agreed to discuss her options and have an ultrasound.

At her appointment, Autumn met with a counselor.

She allowed the counselor to talk to her about Jesus.

The counselor shared the gospel with Autumn, and she accepted Jesus as her Savior!

Throughout the appointment, Autumn softened to the idea of parenting.

She was still on the fence because of her circumstances, but the ultrasound changed everything for her.

After seeing her 9-week-old baby on the screen, Autumn chose life!

We are so thankful to hear that God not only saved this baby’s life, but also saved Autumn’s spiritual life!