Bailey, a 25 year-old woman, found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She did not want to have children at the time, so she found an abortion clinic.

Before walking into the clinic, Bailey prayed that God would show her a sign if she should not abort her baby.

She said she would not have an abortion if she was carrying twins.

As the abortionist was scanning her, he said, “Does it make a difference to you if it is twins?”

He did not show her the ultrasound, but she said that it made a difference, and walked out of the clinic.

After leaving, Bailey searched online for information about abortion, and clicked a Heroic Media ad that led her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in the same day for an appointment.

Bailey was still distraught about the pregnancy, and still considering abortion.

She allowed the staff at Crossroads to counsel her and show her the babies on the ultrasound screen.

When Bailey saw her babies, her whole perspective changed.

She was excited, and talked about how her mother wants to help take care of the babies.

Bailey decided to carry her precious twins!

We are so grateful to see that she was connected to a life-affirming center, and chose life for her babies!