Barbara faced an unplanned pregnancy at 36.

She has an 8 year-old son from her previous marriage.

Barbara started to think about getting an abortion because she and her current boyfriend were experiencing problems.

She moved in with him earlier in the year thinking he would be mature, and want a family.

When Barbara’s boyfriend found out she was pregnant, he pushed for her to get an abortion.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad connected Barbara to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in the next day for an appointment.

Barbara met with the counselors at the pregnancy center to discuss her options.

She agreed to watch a video that discussed the effects of abortion.

Barbara’s mindset began to change as she began to understand the reality of abortion and life inside the womb.

She left the center choosing life for her baby!

Praise Jesus for saving the life of this child, and for saving Barbara from the hurt of abortion.